Red and Itchy: The Many Causes of Sensitive Skin

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Red and Itchy: The Many Causes of Sensitive Skin

If you have sensitive skin, you probably know how much of an inconvenience it can be. Sensitive skin often feels red and itchy due to inflammation that’s caused by outside irritants like pollution or certain materials in clothing, sheets, or even cosmetics products. These irritants can worsen the redness and irritation of sensitive skin, which makes treating the underlying causes all the more important to prevent the issue from recurring. Here are some of the most common causes of red and itchy sensitive skin, along with tips on how to remedy your situation and prevent it from happening again in the future.

What causes your skin to be sensitive?

There are many reasons why your skin might be sensitive. It could be a reaction to a new product, an allergic reaction, or a sign of a more serious underlying condition. If you have sensitive skin, it's important to figure out what's causing the problem so you can treat it effectively.

Dry Winter Weather

When the weather outside is dry and cold, it’s not uncommon for your skin to feel the same way. Dry winter weather can cause your skin to become dry, red, and itchy. While it’s important to keep your skin hydrated during the winter months, you also need to be careful not to overdo it. Using too much lotion or cream can actually make your skin feel even more dry and irritated. 

Excessive Use of Detergents

If you find that your skin is red and itchy after using a new detergent, it's likely that you're experiencing contact dermatitis. This is a form of skin irritation that occurs when the skin comes into contact with an irritant, like a new laundry detergent. In most cases, the irritation will go away on its own once you stop using the irritant. However, if the irritation persists or gets worse, you should see a doctor.

Always Touching Your Face

One of the most common causes of sensitive skin is simply touching your face too much. Your hands are full of bacteria, which can transfer to your face and cause irritation. If you have sensitive skin, try to keep your hands away from your face as much as possible.

Air Pollution

Sensitive skin can be the result of a number of different things, but one common cause is air pollution. Unfortunately, air pollution is becoming more and more common, due to things like car exhaust and factory emissions. This polluted air can irritate the skin, causing it to become red and itchy. In extreme cases, exposure to air pollution can even lead to skin conditions like eczema. 

What Treatments Work Best For Sensitive Skin?

There are many different treatments that can help soothe sensitive skin, but it is important to figure out what is causing your sensitivity in the first place. If your skin is dry, you might need a hydrating cream or moisturiser. If you have eczema, you might need a corticosteroid cream. If your skin is sunburned, you might need aloe vera gel. And if you have hives, an antihistamine can help.

Maintain good hygiene habits

One of the best ways to prevent sensitive skin is by maintaining good hygiene habits. That means cleansing your face (and body, if you have sensitive skin all over) every day with a gentle, non-irritating cleanser. You should also avoid using harsh soaps, scrubbing too hard, or exfoliating with abrasive products. In addition, be sure to moisturize regularly to keep your skin hydrated and protected from the elements.

Avoid hot water while you bathe or shower

If you have sensitive skin, you know that it can be a real pain to find products and ingredients that don’t irritate your skin. And one of the most common triggers of sensitive skin is hot water. When you bathe or shower in water that’s too hot, it can strip away your skin’s natural oils, leaving it dry, red, and irritated. 

Moisturise after washing with a gentle cleanser

If you have sensitive skin, you know that finding the right products to use can be a bit of a trial-and-error process. But with a little patience and experimentation, you can find the products that work for you. This is why we offer sample pots - click here to get yours: 

Wear protective clothing against the sun when you go outside

We all know that we should be wearing sunscreen to protect our skin from the harmful rays of the sun. But did you know that certain clothing can also provide a barrier against the sun’s damaging UV rays?
What are your ideas?

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